Friday, December 19, 2014

Cookie Modeling

Reflection: In this project, I faced numerous challenges I had to overcome. Originally, I had trouble with creating a nice area that would fit well with a bakery with the materials and images I had. A few other were creating the cookies, as once I would add them to a layer with the other items, the program would become very slow and I had to work slightly differently to get that done. I had a slight trouble with coming up with a natural colored light that would reflect on the surfaces correctly.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Hard Surface Modeling

Hard surface modeling is modeling that deals with hard objects and surfaces such as tables, cars, trains, robots, etc., and not organics such as people, animals, fruits, and more. It's important an skill in modeling because objects with hard surfaces are in everyday life and are vital for something realistic.
10 Hard Surface Models/Blueprints

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lighthouse Stills

Eye Level: This shot shows a view of my lighthouse at around eye level (if the lighthouse had eyes, of course). The principle of design I used for the still is curved lines, which are shown by the mountains in the back and the texture of the light house.
Long Shot: This shot is of the lighthouse from a far view to establish the shot. The principle of design used was movement/rhythm, as the water ripples look like movement happening in the shot.
Medium Shot: In this shot, the camera is at a medium position to showcase the lighthouse from a closer area. The POD I chose is informal balance as the light from the lighthouse is only on one side and being focused on.

Close Up Shot: In this shot, I wanted to provide a close up while also focusing on the support beams on the top, showcasing vertical lines.
Over the Shoulder Shot: Here, I wanted to have a shot that would show the light shooting out into the distance. Having the lighthouse and light appear so big to everything else shows off proportion/scale.

Point of View: For this, I thought a point of view shot showing the light shooting out once again would be perfect. On the support beams, diagonal lines are very visible and apparent.
Bird's Eye View: For this, an above shot of the lighthouse was fairly obvious, and the light splits the image down the halfway mark, showing formal balance.
Worm's Eye View: A worm's eye view shows an object from below or under it to bring an extreme angle that we don't usually see. This image also looks incredibly simple due to it just being the lighthouse.

Extreme Close Up Shot: An extreme close up brings the viewer extremely close to the subject, closer than would normally be. This shot shows unity as the support bars are the same and working together to support the top of the lighthouse.


       The different angles and principles of design used to create these stills of a lighthouse are helpful, guiding, and necessary to creating a professional picture.
       I would recommend doing the angles multiple times around the lighthouse to find which one helps make everything stand out the best, if I had to redo the project I would take multiple pictures. Something that may also help would be adjusting the level of mist or changing the textures to something different that also helps stand out more and shows off different principles of design.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My first 3D Model

A mesh is essentially an object or model that can be manipulated, seen, used in 3D in 3D programs such as Blender and Autodesk Maya. Multiple meshes can be placed together to resemble anything and expand upon the users' creativity.